digital guitar


Professional control station for the massive printing industry. (created at ARAN)

Girly Brush- design to fit little girl's palm (created at ARAN)

Spa Line Brush- designed with the perfect grip while using it in the shower (created at ARAN)

Travel Brush- perfect to cary on, compact, ergonomic and covered well (created at ARAN)

Travel Brush- perfect to cary on, compact, ergonomic and covered well (created at ARAN)

strong GSM receiver for battlefield communication. (created at ARAN)

orthographic camera (created at Quntz Design)

(created at ARAN)

Electric-scooter concept. Inspired by a snail, the scooter allows the rider to take all of their necessites around the city. The embedded shell shaped luggage provides a large storage space, back support, shelter from the sun, alongside a fresh, excit- ing, and organic design. This project won 1st prize in a scooter design competition, sponsored by Honda-Motors, Israel and was presented in the media as well as the international magazine “Auto & Design” (no. 160).

By making a small gesture, you can invite another person to share a seat.

Modular planter (created at ARAN)